How to Strike a Work-Life Balance in the Era of Work-From-Home?

Remember when you’d come home after a long day at work and leave your work-woes at the door? Maybe put on some music, head for a bath, or lounge on the couch till dinnertime. A concept that suddenly feels alien and a lifetime away, doesn’t it?

The onset of the pandemic has surely brought about multiple changes for people across the world, but for working professionals, it has created a massive disruption in their work-life balance — nothing short of a ripple, whose effects have only amplified with time. Think unmapped screen time, hurriedly put-together meals in between meetings, low productivity, and pending home chores among other things.

And in the larger picture, a question that needs to be addressed is, how do you strike a work-life balance amidst everything? Here are 6 tips to help you find the fine line between juggling your home duties and office work like a pro and yet have some time for yourself.

Have a set plan

Make a mental list of to-do things for the day after you wake up every morning. Be it accomplishing certain tasks at work, ordering groceries online, or catching up on some reading – it is essential to set goals and also prioritize them in order of importance.

A dedicated workspace is important

Set aside a part of your home for work. Having a dedicated workspace helps you mentally and physically unplug yourself from office tasks and focus on your personal life and other chores at hand once you’re done for the day.

Take breaks

Missing the ‘water cooler talk’ or those coffee breaks you took at work? Time to bring them back! Take breaks in between meetings or tasks to break the monotony and lend some fresh perspective before you go back to your table. You could also utilize this time to fix yourself a quick meal, water your plants, or listen to some music.

Practice self-care

Self-care often equals to feeling good, which is synonymous with increased productivity. Try to utilize the time you’d have otherwise spent on commuting to the office, by working on your fitness. Go for a jog, run on that treadmill at home, or engage in some early morning yoga. Emphasize on your grooming rituals, take a refreshing morning shower, eat a hearty breakfast before you sit down to work. Looking presentable is as important for yourself as it is for an impromptu zoom meet!

Ask for help when you need it

A lot of us shy away from asking for help, be it at work or at home. However, there are times when the best of us fall short and need a helping hand from a colleague or a family member. The next time when you’re feeling stressed out with an impending deadline or could do with some help in the kitchen, remember to ask.

Set boundaries

Limit unnecessary screen time, unplug when you’re feeling burnt out, take time out for people around you, and most importantly, make time for yourself. Your mind needs ample time to recharge before you can take on the next day with full fervor.

Call it what you may – remote working or work-from-home; it is here to stay for a while. And as we try to keep going in our own ways, it is important to take one step at a time and strike the right work-life balance.

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