BeardCare Decoded

Beardcare is of utmost importance and one that needs to be added to your everyday grooming routine. It is very important to grow your beard the right way, make sure it gets the necessary nutrients and is constantly cared for.

Beard oils and beard creams are essential to nurturing and growing. In today’s edition of Simpli-Phy, we have decoded the two for you. Read on. 


The Phy Life- Cult-ivator Soften Up Beard Creme

A beard creme helps you get a smooth and well-groomed beard. It tames the frizz and fuss that comes with growing a beard and conditions the beard thoroughly, on application. It also softens the beard and leaves a soothing fragrance, keeping it moisturised and always-ready. For best results, use a beard creme with natural ingredients, free of toxins and use everyday to feel the difference. 

#PhySuggests- Cult-Ivator Soften Up Beard Crème


The Phy Life- Cult-ivator Growth Promoting Beard Oil

A beard oil is specially designed to help you grow your beard and keep it moisturised. A beard oil with natural ingredients and natural oils will ensure that your hair is always in good health and growing well. It is preferable that your beard oil contains antioxidants and vitamins that effectively fight poor beard health. Natural oils and ingredients also provide hydration to your beard. Use daily for good beard health and moisturisation.

#PhySuggests- Cult-Ivator Growth Promoting Beard Oil

Care for your beard the right way, always keep these essentials handy and grow the beard of your dreams.


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