What Should Your Skincare Routine Be This Fall?

The onset of autumn marks the transition from heat and humidity of the preceding months to the dry and cool winters that follow soon. While it can be a great time to spend outdoors (the pandemic playing a bit of a spoilsport this year), it can also unknowingly wreck havoc on your skin if not properly cared for.

So, gentlemen, is you skin fall-ready? Here are a few tips you can add to your regime this fall to keep your skin healthy and moisturized.

Care to cleanse

The Phy Life- Care to cleanse

As the weather gets drier and colder, you may feel less of a need to wash your face. And this is where most people tend to make a mistake. You need to keep cleansing your face to avoid dirt and oil from blocking your pores. Switch to sulphate-free face washes to not strip off your skin’s natural oils and keep it hydrated.

Phy recommends: The Acne-Fighting Face Wash or The Shield Face+Beard Wash.


The Phy Life- Moisturize

The golden rule of autumn skincare is moisturizing enough. Seal the deal with a light, non-oily, non-greasy formulation that keeps your skin well hydrated. Try to apply the moisturizer right after cleansing your face and patting it dry to retain maximum moisture.

Don’t ditch the sunscreen

The Phy Life- Don’t ditch the sunscreen

Use a sunscreen with at least SPF 45 throughout the year whether it is sunny or not, regardless of whether you’re going out or staying indoors.

Remember to exfoliate

The Phy Life- Remember to exfoliate

Autumn is often considered the best time to exfoliate because just like the weather, your skin is also in a transitional phase. Between the sweat from humid summer months, to the drier fall season, it is important to get rid of dead skin cells regularly.

Amp up your fall diet

The Phy Life- Amp up your fall diet

To prevent the weather from affecting your skin, you also need to take care on the inside. Add foods like carrots, pomegranates, beets, apples, berries, and turmeric to your existing diet. Root veggies are a great source of calcium while berries and other fruits are rich in vitamins.

So, whether you're homebound or enjoying the outdoors this fall, a little bit of care will go a long way in ensuring your skin also has a ball!

Related products: Superlight Moisturizer

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo


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